Blue Spoon Atelier Chef Burcu

Chef Burcu, PhD

She is a unique example of well-rounded dedication to healthy food from field to plate.

She is an agricultural engineer, with a PhD in Agri-Economics.

Her passion for healthy & good food brought her to Le Cordon Bleu/Istanbul and she became a master in culinary arts.

Then she followed the food's journey by studying Functional Nutrition where she found out the bio-chemical details and
health aspects of food as a whole.

Chef Burcu brings her expertise and passion for healthy and tasty eating to Blue Spoon Atelier in the heart of Carleton Place, creating a bakery that’s a place for both delicious tastes and hands on learning.

Hands shaping a dough ball on a floured surface.
Hands gently holding a smooth dough ball.
Blue Spoon Bakery
Sliced artisanal bread being spread with butter.

“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”
Michael Pollan

“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then
doesn’t hurt.”
Charles M. Schulz

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

“Healthy and tasty are easy. That is what we do here.”
Burcu Gencer, Owner of Blue Spoon Atelier